Six Sigma Methodology is the Goal

The establishment of a six sigma methodology is the goal of most, if not all, businesses in the modern world. This is the creation of a project plan where the deliverables being produced only have 3.4 defects in every 1 million that are produced. This might sound like an unachievable goal, but it is now possible with the right methodology in place within your organization.

The basic concept behind the six sigma methodology is to reduce possible errors in all process and procedures involved in a project. This is a constant process where all areas of the procedure are constantly reviewed, along with modifications to processes, until no waste is possible from your production facility.

In many industries, achieving the goal of the six sigma methodology is not practical, but the effort to achieve it will have positive results on your organization. This is a path for constant improvement of your organization which will reduce the waste and costs of producing the goods you sell to the global marketplace.

For most medium and large size organizations, they will have a group whose sole responsibility is to reduce waste. They are constantly reviewing the SOP’s, procedures, and process to locate any place where waste is possible. Unfortunately, waste is just part of producing a product for the market place. Machinery breaks down or bad raw materials make their way to the production floor. This is why for most businesses, the possibility of actually achieving six sigma is only theoretical.

What is achievable is a reduction in the waste that is being produced without this process of constant improvement. This makes the implementation of the six sigma methodology advantageous for an organization to do.

Unlike the lean methodology that has a goal of reducing costs, the six sigma methodology is there to also improve the processes that are in use to increase efficiency. This will result in a reduction of waste while making all of the processes better, with the final result of being more profitable to operate.