Useful Business Case Example

A useful business case example would be one that fits your needs along with the budget restraints of your next project. Another helpful instrument would be to use an example that was created using the business case template that you will use to create your business case. This way you can easily and efficiently transfer the useful data from your example right into the one you are creating.

Inside the business case example you have chosen should be what the stakeholders have approved in the past. This will make it easier for you to follow through with the creation of your document in a manner that has an increased chance of approval. While there is useful information in an example that was not approved, it is not advisable that you transfer any of the data from it to the one you are presently creating.

A few of the items most useful in the business case example will be just what budget level the stakeholders are happy with. They generally also like to have projects that run for a particular amount of time. Long extended run times for a project to get from the drawing board to the delivery of the product means the money is tied up for an extended period. This is not very advantageous for an organization. By having the revenue of an organization tied up in a long business venture, the ability to use such assets in case of an emergency is limited.

In many instances the use of more than one business case example is practical. This allows the project manager to notice a pattern of what has been acceptable in the presentations of past business venture to the stakeholders. By providing the basis of what is not only expected, but desired by the stakeholders, it is easier to gain approval for the business venture.

By using a business case example from the past is the best foundation to start with for your next project. This will allow for a foundation to be established in the fastest and most efficient manner for your next project that is in search of a revenue stream.

Knowing Project Management Methodologies

Knowing the different types of project management methodologies can only be beneficial to your next business venture. Each one is a step by step approach to achieving your goals of having a successful project. The leading difference between the different ones is how they can accomplish your goals for you.

For most businesses there is no one type of methodology that exactly fits their needs. For this reason they merge many different project management methodologies into just one that is custom built for their plant, resources and needs. This is the best manner in which to maximize what you have while minimizes the disadvantages your organization possesses. This will then lead to an increase chance of your projects becoming successful and having a competitive deliverable when it is introduced to the global market place.

This is why there is now software to assist you in using multiple project management methodologies. The programs now available allow you to import many different methodologies and take the components and process from them that fit your particular needs. This will lead to you creating a new methodology that can maximize your strong points. By defining the new project processes in this manner, it will be easier and more efficient for you to achieve the goals and scope of the project that has been approved by the stakeholders.

Because you have combined many different project management methodologies, you will then need to document what you have used so the new methodology can be used in the future by your organization.  The addition of using templates from the appropriate other methodologies on which you borrowed the process is also a possibility.

When you are looking for just what project management methodologies you can utilize, most programs allow the importation of HTML pages, Microsoft Word and Excel to make the combining of them easier.

The using of many different project management methodologies is the best way to achieve your goals of having a successful and profitable project. This will not only make the stakeholders satisfied but also help your organization in a financial manner so it can stay in business.

Six Sigma Methodology is the Goal

The establishment of a six sigma methodology is the goal of most, if not all, businesses in the modern world. This is the creation of a project plan where the deliverables being produced only have 3.4 defects in every 1 million that are produced. This might sound like an unachievable goal, but it is now possible with the right methodology in place within your organization.

The basic concept behind the six sigma methodology is to reduce possible errors in all process and procedures involved in a project. This is a constant process where all areas of the procedure are constantly reviewed, along with modifications to processes, until no waste is possible from your production facility.

In many industries, achieving the goal of the six sigma methodology is not practical, but the effort to achieve it will have positive results on your organization. This is a path for constant improvement of your organization which will reduce the waste and costs of producing the goods you sell to the global marketplace.

For most medium and large size organizations, they will have a group whose sole responsibility is to reduce waste. They are constantly reviewing the SOP’s, procedures, and process to locate any place where waste is possible. Unfortunately, waste is just part of producing a product for the market place. Machinery breaks down or bad raw materials make their way to the production floor. This is why for most businesses, the possibility of actually achieving six sigma is only theoretical.

What is achievable is a reduction in the waste that is being produced without this process of constant improvement. This makes the implementation of the six sigma methodology advantageous for an organization to do.

Unlike the lean methodology that has a goal of reducing costs, the six sigma methodology is there to also improve the processes that are in use to increase efficiency. This will result in a reduction of waste while making all of the processes better, with the final result of being more profitable to operate.

Implementing Enterprise Project Management

The implementation of enterprise project management does not necessary mean you have to be a large corporation or involved with a large scale project. This was the original intentions of this kind of program, but it has been found to be useful in the smaller scale ones also.

Because of the name enterprise project management, there are certain expectations by the users. This is a set of programs that have a great amount of detail in their construction. It is expandable to handle any size project that has ever existed. In the early stages of its development it was used on nuclear plants and other large scale project that were generally funded by governments because of their size. Today more and more organizations are using it because there are few to any limitations with the programs.

On the smaller scale projects the enterprise project management programs are not entirely used. There will be sections that just do not apply while others that are used extensively. The thought is that it is better to have the capability rather than wishing you did. It makes a better use of time by the project team so the deliverables can make it to the global market place faster. This allows for the goals and scope of the project plan to become a reality easier.

The methodology used for the small scale projects and the enterprise project management ones can be the same. This is why many organizations use it. This allows for just one set of programs to be purchased, learned and used. This allows for a better efficiency to be attained by the project team when interacting with the program and all of the process invalided in your project.

The enterprise project management plan is no longer just for the ultra large projects, but it is still applicable there. It is the details that make the difference in just how well a project turns out and these types of programs give the project manager more options available to them. This will help to reduce any possible delay because the right project management tool will always be available.

Essential Project Manager Training

The essential project manager training that is available today has only one purpose. That is to make your project manager more efficient in the way and manner of them performing their assigned tasks. The acquiring of knowledge on all the ways this can be accomplished is the main focus of this type of course.

To have the project manager training courses available with the least amount of disruption to the organization was the focus of many providers of this service. The seminars were very informative, but took the project managers away from their place of business for up to a week. This also took a chunk out of their budget that during the lean times is not always possible or warranted.

This is one of the leading reasons why the new project manager training courses are now available online. This allows the project managers not to miss any time at work and are helping to progress their projects along and still learning new tactics they can apply on the job. While they were away at a seminar they still have their cell phones, but being present in the time of a crisis does make a significant difference in the ending results for the project.

By taking the project manager training courses online, they can also acquire the knowledge at their own pace and at the times of their choosing. This makes it possible for them to still be on the job and to be available if necessary while learning what is in the courses. They can even apply what they are learning to their present project with the guidance of the course instructions. These real world applications are only possible because they are present at their factories while learning the material.

The opportunities with the new online project manager training course have made it easier and more practical for an organization to give access to their managers. They already know the more a project manager knows and understand, the better chances their projects will become a success. By choosing the online versions, the learning of the material is faster, easier and better absorbed.

Project Management Training Made Easy

The project management training is made easy today with the use of the high speed internet that most companies now have access to. This means of communication has changed forever the way your staff can receive the necessary training for them to improve their skills on the job.

By having your staff take a project management training course online, they will miss less work and be able to absorb the knowledge at their own pace. This is because unlike a huge seminar where the speaker dictates the speed and topics of the course, your staff now does. This is since most of this type of training is done individually. You can set up a screen in a conference room so more than one can attend, but then applying the knowledge in a real world situation will be delayed till after the training is over.

The advantage of conducting the project management training course separately allows for the critical topics that each individual needs training in, to be chosen first by the individual. Since each project team member has different responsibilities in the project, each one will be studying a different section. They can also then review what they learned at their own pace. This allows for a greater absorption of the knowledge. They can also apply what they are learning when they are acquiring the knowledge.

One of the reasons you may wish to have your entire project team to be involved in the project management training courses is so they can make a bigger and more efficient contribution to the business ventures. The more they know, the less ambiguous any situation involving the project will be. With fewer questions, there is a deceased chance of delays when the deliverable is being created.

The accessibility to the project management training courses is set by the management. What has made it easier for management to include more people in this type of training is the reduction in the cost. With no plane tickets or hotel costs to be included more of your staff can learn how to help your projects to be more profitable.

Using a Project Management Process

Using a project management process is comparitable to following a set of instructions. Once the process is fully documented, it has the outline of what tasks are to be accomplished along with the resources that will be needed in the process. This allows for the completion of the process to occur in the most efficient manner possible.

The writing of the project management process should take place in the planning phase of the project’s life cycle. This documentation of the process can now be done in an efficient manner with the use of the project management templates. This is the tool of choice by the modern project manager so this task can be completed in a timely manner with more detail and following the best known path for this process.

There is more than just one project management process involved in a project of today. At the last count there were a total of 9. Each one has its own specific purpose and reason for being. The exclusion of just one of them would jeopardize the efficiency and productivity of the project as a whole. For that reason, each one has to be done separately and completely.

Each project management process has a specific area they are responsible for in the project. When combined all together they will be the project management plan. This is the document that your customers will wish to review before accepting your deliverable. This way they can visibly see if your project follows the acceptable standards they require for the production of the product they have ordered.

Without the documentation of each project management process, your deliverable will not have the requirements necessary for the global market place. This will allow your competitors to reach places and customers you will be forbidden to sell to. This will affect the size of your revenue stream and the profitability of your organization.

By using the project management process as it is written, you will be able to avoid such problems and cut through the red tape in more places. This will help to bring in the revenue stream necessary to keep your business open and functioning.

Lean Methodology

The creation of the lean methodology was necessary after the end of World War Two when there was a shortage of manpower for the production of civilian goods. Just as all wars do, there was a great amount of life lost. To help compensate for this low allowable allowance of manpower, the project managers in the Far East had to devise a new approach to getting their factories working so they could once again turn a profit.

The basic concept of the lean methodology is simple. It is the reduction of all waste from a process so only the components that contribute in a positive manner towards the deliverable and its staying on its production schedule are allowed to remain in place. One of the hardest parts of developing this methodology is deciding just what makes a positive contribution to the deliverable and what really is waste.

What most realize is that when deploying the lean methodology, it is a continuous process towards the improvement of all processes involved in the planning and production of a deliverable for the global market place. This process should involve every level of management to help make the final decisions. It will also be necessary to involve the entire project team. It is their hands on experience with the project that can pinpoint areas where improvements can be made. These small contributions from the project team have an accumulative effect that will make the difference in just how successful your project is at cutting and eliminating waste from the project.

One of the newest additions to the lean methodology is the “just in time” supply network. By bringing in the required resources necessary for your project as they are needed, the elimination of storage for them has been eliminated. This saves both money and space in providing a warehouse for the resources just to sit in waiting to be used.

The lean methodology has expanded far beyond its intended purpose of dealing with a manpower shortage. Today most manufactures have implemented it to some extent to best fit their needs. This increases the profitability of every project it is used in when implemented correctly.

Incorporating a Project Management Process

By incorporating a project management process with your next business venture, its chances of success will increase. This is what stakeholders are referring to when they demand their employees to become better organized. By establishing a set plan of attack to planning and controlling your next project, the performance of the plan will be enhanced.

The project management process is an all encompassing approach to developing a revenue stream with the production of a deliverable. This will even begin in the inception phase of a project’s lifecycle. To come up with an idea and actually place it into a business case will not occur without a set plan. Then to ensure the idea is feasible and profitable must also be known before any planning of how the deliverable will begin. There is no need to plan the production of an item if you are not going to be able to make money with it.

In each project management process, there are nine separate and different processes that must be coordinated for it to be a success. Each one of these processes must be documented for each process so there is a paper trail for not only the project team to follow, but so there is a record of what was attempted.

To do the documentation of the project management process, the use of project management templates are most often used. This not only speeds up this documentation process of the process, but also helps to bring consistency to the paper trail. There will also be similarities from past project that can be used in your present project so the entire process does not have to be constructed from scratch.

Not every part of the project management process will be used by each member of your project team, but all nine processes need to be written because someone will need them during the course of the project. This documentation of the process is now a requirement in the industry set forth by the standards that are used globally.

By using a project management process for your next business venture, you will be able to meet the requirement set by these standards. This will allow your deliverable to be acceptable in more markets than ever before.


Project Solutions

The number of project solutions for any particular problem will vary. It all depends on how much revenue you are willing to spend to solve your problem and the amount of resources you have available to you. Another factor in this equation is how serious is the problem and even if it is economically feasible to mitigate the problem or just choose another path.

To know what type of project solutions to utilize, you must first define your problem. If you have a communication problem, then the use of collaboration technology might be the perfect fit. This will help your staff to send messages and use virtual conferences to make sure the message being received is the same one that is being sent. This is a common problem in corporations. The content of the message changes as it is passed down the chain of command.

Another common project solutions utilized in today’s business world is the project management office program. There are many different tools that will help the project manager in multiple ways. There are solutions to help with the documentation processes along with monitoring programs. Each one has a specific purpose that can help an organization to become more efficient on how they use their time and resources while on the job.

One of the not so apparent of the project solutions that makes use of the monitoring programs is all the data these programs acquire in the execution phase of a project’s lifecycle. This makes it easier to analyze the results for a possible solution in helping your organization to being more efficient. It can also make a significant contribution in the assembling of the necessary reports for the project. With each one being used, the time required to complete a project will be reduced.

The use of project solutions in a business venture is how problems are solved. It also lays down a path for improvement of an organization’s systems so improvements can be made. This makes it possible to cut out the waste in a process and make your production facility more efficient so the profits of your revenue stream will increase.